This is a post about a random act of kindness. No, I did not do one (yet), my hubby and I were the very grateful recipients of one.
It happened almost 3 hours ago and I am still in shock and awe.
Every Christmas Eve we go out to dinner. We like to hit up a local hibachi spot called Otani's. It's a hole in the wall, small, dim, needs a good scrubbing but the food is good and the price is good. You basically get a BOGO with the Entertainment Card.
So this year we went back. There was practically no one in there. A few minutes after we were sat the hostess brought a little but older couple to sit with me, Matt and the boys. We chatted for a few minutes about the kids, about Christmas and about the restaurant. Other then that, we enjoyed are meal and talked between our family.
When the check came the waitress handed me back my Entertainment Card but not the little plastic thing the bill comes on. I just sat there like "huh". I looked at the waitress hand BOTH of them to the couple sitting with us. They told us we have a beautiful family and this one is on them.
I sat there completely shocked. I felt my eyes tear up. I had a few run down my face. At that point it was kind of a blur. I know Matt and I both asked them if they were sure. I asked them if they were serious.
Lately you have been hearing about all these random acts of kindness. I have heard of so many awesome things my friends and family are doing. It felt weird to be on the receiving end. I was extremely grateful and humbled. I felt more alive. I felt my spirit in people renewed. I felt Christmas. I'm not sure if you can feel Christmas, but I'm telling you, I felt Christmas.
I know these people don't follow my blog but I just have to say a HUGE THANK YOU!!! Money is tight. I saved and budgeted so we could go out to dinner like we always do. I dislike breaking tradition. Now our bank account can breathe a little. We only have $40 in the account and I know the dinner would of been close to $30, then we hit up McDonald's to get the boys a Happy Meal (they don't eat our kinda food). Our bank account would been left with literally a few dollars till Friday.
With that being said, I am going to talk to Matt and discuss how he wants to pay it forward. We now have an extra $30 (we still stopped and got the boys some grub). I want to spread it around as far as it will go. We have everything we need till Friday. We have gas in our cars and food in the fridge. We are set. So now I want to go spread some Christmas. I want someone to feel as good as I did tonight.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
It's that time of year again......
Yep, Christmas time.
The joyous time of year where I am reminded that I don't have a father (here on earth). Yep, Father's Day and Christmas are really good of reminding me of that fact.
My dad left when I was about 7 and was in and out of my life from then. He had a pretty rough life with drugs, alcohol, jail and so on. It really didn't bother me (too much) until he died in 2010. Before he died I always knew he was around. Always knew he would pop in again. That was comforting. After he died I knew I would never see him again. Never get a chance to build a real relationship with him. I didn't so much mourn his death but I mourned of what I would be missing. Missing the chance to be with him. Missing the chance for him to meet my kids. Missing everything. At least when he was still alive there was a chance I would see him on Christmas. I know your probably wondering why I even cared so much anyways, why I loved a man I barely knew. Back in 2007 I met with my dad at his place of living, a local homeless shelter. We had one of the best conversations. My dad admitted he screwed up, he admitted that drugs and alcohol took over his life. He said it was never his plan to leave his kids the way he did. We said the I love you's and we never saw each other again. I found peace with my dad that day. I saw the remorse in his eyes. I knew he had addictions and some addictions are so powerful that you find yourself doing things you never thought you would.
My dad passed away on May 15, 2010. From the moment we found out it was a whirlwind piecing together the last few years of his life. He died coming home from the dentist. He got off the bus, walking towards his home, had a massive heart attack and died instantly on the side of the road.
My dad had a case worker that was helping him get his life together and she did. When my dad died he had an apartment with clothes, food, furniture and even a small flat screen TV. My sister and I spent a couple hours cleaning it out. It was so weird. I felt like I was in a strangers house but at the same time I was saddened because I knew this was my dads house. I kept a few things from his house and have them set around my house. I wanted something of his to remember him by.
About 8 weeks after he died I was able to call the coroner and find out cause of death and toxicology reports. I found out that my father has passed away with NO DRUGS and NO ALCOHOL in his body. This was a major thing for me. I have heard all my life that he was getting clean, he was going to be different, blah, blah, blah. This time he actually did it. He did it. I have never been prouder of my dad. He took a 30ish year addiction and broke it.
At the time I found this out I was so incredibly happy and so sad. I was happy for the reasons above but sad because now that he was completely sober I would never get to reap the benefits of it, never. It still makes me so sad.
With all that being said, my grandpa, had always stepped in to take over the dad role. From my earliest memories, I always remember being with him and my grandma. Most of my childhood pictures are with my grandpa and grandma. I spent so many nights there. I went on so many vacations with them. I am not going to go into the reasons I was there so much, that's for a nother post. Every major event or decision revolved around them. When I would oversleep for school my grandpa would come and pick me up and take me but not without a pit stop at McDonald's first. Sometimes I would over sleep on purpose and I think he knew that. We would run errands together. My grandpa walked me down the aisle when I married my first husband. He dressed up and looked so handsome. I have many pictures of us two that day that I proudly display even though I have since remarried (only pictures of me and him, not the ex..LOL). There is just so much I could write. I just can't seem to get my thoughts in order right now.
My grandpa died May 18, 2001. That was a horrible horrible day. I don't think I have even felt pain like that before. It was all such a blur. The whole weekend.
So with these two men gone what do I have left. Pretty much nothing. And, yes, I know that I do have my heavenly Father and I am so thankful for that, but it's just not the same. I have no one to buy gifts for. No one to ask for advice. You know, that sorta thing. I don't have a great relationship with my father in law. There are only two men who are really there in a father sense. One is my uncle. He walked me down the aisle at my second wedding. He gives advice. He is great to talk to. BUT, he has his own family, his own kids, his own grandkids. I have to try and not overstep my boundaries. The other person is my ex father in law. He really has done a alot for me. I can't tell you how many times I've called him in a pickle and he helps me out. I could go on and on about him but again, I have to watch my boundaries. This is my ex father in law. He has a new daughter in law.
So for the past two years I have spent the holidays honoring my husband. He is a father, but not mine. He is a great man who deserves to be honored.
But it's just not enough. I have some kinda hole in me. I have a yearning for a dad. I think I had better just give up this hope. It's so hard to let go of the wanting and needing a father.
The joyous time of year where I am reminded that I don't have a father (here on earth). Yep, Father's Day and Christmas are really good of reminding me of that fact.
My dad left when I was about 7 and was in and out of my life from then. He had a pretty rough life with drugs, alcohol, jail and so on. It really didn't bother me (too much) until he died in 2010. Before he died I always knew he was around. Always knew he would pop in again. That was comforting. After he died I knew I would never see him again. Never get a chance to build a real relationship with him. I didn't so much mourn his death but I mourned of what I would be missing. Missing the chance to be with him. Missing the chance for him to meet my kids. Missing everything. At least when he was still alive there was a chance I would see him on Christmas. I know your probably wondering why I even cared so much anyways, why I loved a man I barely knew. Back in 2007 I met with my dad at his place of living, a local homeless shelter. We had one of the best conversations. My dad admitted he screwed up, he admitted that drugs and alcohol took over his life. He said it was never his plan to leave his kids the way he did. We said the I love you's and we never saw each other again. I found peace with my dad that day. I saw the remorse in his eyes. I knew he had addictions and some addictions are so powerful that you find yourself doing things you never thought you would.
My dad passed away on May 15, 2010. From the moment we found out it was a whirlwind piecing together the last few years of his life. He died coming home from the dentist. He got off the bus, walking towards his home, had a massive heart attack and died instantly on the side of the road.
My dad had a case worker that was helping him get his life together and she did. When my dad died he had an apartment with clothes, food, furniture and even a small flat screen TV. My sister and I spent a couple hours cleaning it out. It was so weird. I felt like I was in a strangers house but at the same time I was saddened because I knew this was my dads house. I kept a few things from his house and have them set around my house. I wanted something of his to remember him by.
About 8 weeks after he died I was able to call the coroner and find out cause of death and toxicology reports. I found out that my father has passed away with NO DRUGS and NO ALCOHOL in his body. This was a major thing for me. I have heard all my life that he was getting clean, he was going to be different, blah, blah, blah. This time he actually did it. He did it. I have never been prouder of my dad. He took a 30ish year addiction and broke it.
At the time I found this out I was so incredibly happy and so sad. I was happy for the reasons above but sad because now that he was completely sober I would never get to reap the benefits of it, never. It still makes me so sad.
With all that being said, my grandpa, had always stepped in to take over the dad role. From my earliest memories, I always remember being with him and my grandma. Most of my childhood pictures are with my grandpa and grandma. I spent so many nights there. I went on so many vacations with them. I am not going to go into the reasons I was there so much, that's for a nother post. Every major event or decision revolved around them. When I would oversleep for school my grandpa would come and pick me up and take me but not without a pit stop at McDonald's first. Sometimes I would over sleep on purpose and I think he knew that. We would run errands together. My grandpa walked me down the aisle when I married my first husband. He dressed up and looked so handsome. I have many pictures of us two that day that I proudly display even though I have since remarried (only pictures of me and him, not the ex..LOL). There is just so much I could write. I just can't seem to get my thoughts in order right now.
My grandpa died May 18, 2001. That was a horrible horrible day. I don't think I have even felt pain like that before. It was all such a blur. The whole weekend.
So with these two men gone what do I have left. Pretty much nothing. And, yes, I know that I do have my heavenly Father and I am so thankful for that, but it's just not the same. I have no one to buy gifts for. No one to ask for advice. You know, that sorta thing. I don't have a great relationship with my father in law. There are only two men who are really there in a father sense. One is my uncle. He walked me down the aisle at my second wedding. He gives advice. He is great to talk to. BUT, he has his own family, his own kids, his own grandkids. I have to try and not overstep my boundaries. The other person is my ex father in law. He really has done a alot for me. I can't tell you how many times I've called him in a pickle and he helps me out. I could go on and on about him but again, I have to watch my boundaries. This is my ex father in law. He has a new daughter in law.
So for the past two years I have spent the holidays honoring my husband. He is a father, but not mine. He is a great man who deserves to be honored.
But it's just not enough. I have some kinda hole in me. I have a yearning for a dad. I think I had better just give up this hope. It's so hard to let go of the wanting and needing a father.
Here is my and my dad in September 2007, the last time I ever saw him.
Here is me and my grandpa (photo taken by grandma). We are celebrating my birthday. One of my favorite pictures ever.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Trip down memory lane.....
Both the boys birthdays are in November. Chase is the 6th and Landon is the 29th. My boys are 11 months apart.
I've spent alot of time this month thinking about when they were little. Remembering how I felt like we were never going to make it through alive. I remembered all the crying. All the poop. All the sleepless nights. All the poop. All the bottles. All the poop. All doctors appointments. And did I mention, all the poop. I nicknamed our house "Poop City". Seriously, I did because seriously it was.
I remember all the people telling me it would get better. Sure, certain things got better but with each new age came new issues and problems.
As I was looking for the boys birthday pictures this month I got a chance to look at the thousands of pictures I took. I sat on my bed thinking about how much I missed those little babies. Those cute little chubby faces (well, Chase, not Landon, Landon has always been a twig..LOL). My uterus aches for another baby. But Matt and I cannot have anymore babies. (well, truth be told, Matt can but I would kill him). After Chase was born I had my tubes tied the day after (which I DO NOT recommend if you have a vaginal birth!! If you have a c-section then fine, your already cut open but DO NOT give birth vaginally then have them cut your stomach open. This equals double recovery time. Trust me. Don't let them fool you. And even LONGER recovery time when your incision gets infected). If this was the only thing stopping us, we could fix it but in August of 2008 I had to have an ablation of my uterus. So basically they just burned it all out. I still have all my girly parts and I know sometimes the tubal can reverse naturally and sometimes your uterus can heal it self but odds are not looking to good for me. Oh, well. I have my 3 babies and I am so happy with that.
And now I leave you with some really cute pictures of my kids..... ENJOY!!
I've spent alot of time this month thinking about when they were little. Remembering how I felt like we were never going to make it through alive. I remembered all the crying. All the poop. All the sleepless nights. All the poop. All the bottles. All the poop. All doctors appointments. And did I mention, all the poop. I nicknamed our house "Poop City". Seriously, I did because seriously it was.
I remember all the people telling me it would get better. Sure, certain things got better but with each new age came new issues and problems.
As I was looking for the boys birthday pictures this month I got a chance to look at the thousands of pictures I took. I sat on my bed thinking about how much I missed those little babies. Those cute little chubby faces (well, Chase, not Landon, Landon has always been a twig..LOL). My uterus aches for another baby. But Matt and I cannot have anymore babies. (well, truth be told, Matt can but I would kill him). After Chase was born I had my tubes tied the day after (which I DO NOT recommend if you have a vaginal birth!! If you have a c-section then fine, your already cut open but DO NOT give birth vaginally then have them cut your stomach open. This equals double recovery time. Trust me. Don't let them fool you. And even LONGER recovery time when your incision gets infected). If this was the only thing stopping us, we could fix it but in August of 2008 I had to have an ablation of my uterus. So basically they just burned it all out. I still have all my girly parts and I know sometimes the tubal can reverse naturally and sometimes your uterus can heal it self but odds are not looking to good for me. Oh, well. I have my 3 babies and I am so happy with that.
And now I leave you with some really cute pictures of my kids..... ENJOY!!
Emma at 2 1/2
Emma at 2 1/2 and me
Just a few hours after Chase was born - First photo with all 3 kids.
Right before Chase was born. Landon is 11 months and Emma is about 3 1/2
Yep - Chase is my belly and got my girl right beside me.
Still at the pumpkin patch...
Just after a bath at the new house. Chase is about 6 months old and Landon is 17 months old.
Landon about 17 months old.
Chase about 6 months old and yes he is playing with cords.
First Christmas card with all 3 kids. Emma is 4 1/2, Landon is 1 and Chase is about a month old.
I could go on and on with adorable pictures of these three. Honestly as much as I loved the baby stages, I am so happy to see them grow into their own little people. And they are all pretty awesome.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
November 29, 2005
Today was Landon's birthday. It was such a great day for my little man. He turned 7 years old today. I seriously have such a hard time coming to terms with how time flies. It seems like yesterday I was 39 weeks pregnant and having some serious food poisoning. This food poisoning would send me into labor and I would have my baby boy one day before his scheduled induction. I was having the induction due to symphysis separation Basically my pelvic bone split and it was VERY painful.
My first boy came into this world at 5:37pm weighing 8lbs, 4oz and 21 inches long. I totally rocked this labor, delivery and recovery. 20 minutes of pushing, laid down for about an hour after he was born and then I was up and moving around. It was awesome. I felt like a champ.
And just like Chase's birthday post I will now leave you with a history of birthdays. All 7 of them.
My first boy came into this world at 5:37pm weighing 8lbs, 4oz and 21 inches long. I totally rocked this labor, delivery and recovery. 20 minutes of pushing, laid down for about an hour after he was born and then I was up and moving around. It was awesome. I felt like a champ.
And just like Chase's birthday post I will now leave you with a history of birthdays. All 7 of them.
Landon's 1st Birthday!!!! (Basketball themed)
Landon's 2nd Birthday!!! (Spiderman themed)
Landon's 3rd Birthday!!! (Blue's Clues themed)
Landon's 4th Birthday!!! (no theme)
Landon's 5th Birthday!!! (no theme)
Landon's 6th Birthday!!! (football theme at the bowling alley)
Landon's 7th Birthday!!! (no theme)
And that my friends is it so far. There you have watched my baby grow up right before your eyes. As I was looking back at the years, I came across so many adorable pictures from when they were babies. But that is a whole other post.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
November 6, 2012
This post has nothing to do with the election and EVERYTHING to do with my baby, Chase Allen Lee Wolfe. My baby was born 6 years ago on November 6, 2006 at 3:39pm weighing in at 8lbs 7oz and 21 inches long.
Chase is my last and final baby. <cue fake tears> I know I should be all emotional because my baby is growing up but I'm just not. I am way too excited to see my kids grow each day. I am so excited to see the new things they learn AND the new things that come out of their mouths.
Before I take you on a journey of Chase's last 6 years, I'll tell ya a little bit about how his birthday went. Chase woke up for school and screamed and cried almost right up until the bus came. He was tired and really just wanted to go back to bed. He left for school and left his class treat. Daddy ran it up to school. Chase got home from school and practically threw everything out of his backpack just to show me all the cool birthday stuff he got at school. After some chill time we went to a dinner of his choice, Burger King. Good ole Burger King. When we got there we met Aunt Sam, Uncle Josh and their children. We ordered, we ate and then it happened. CHASE LOST HIS FIRST TOOTH!!!!! He was showing Uncle Josh how loose his tooth was and Uncle Josh offered to pull and there ya a go - a first tooth out!!!
After Burger King we went to my grandma's house to celebrate with her and Aunt Alice, Uncle John and my cousin Nancy. As Chase was opening his gifts (we got him an Angry Bird robe, Angry Bird jammies and Angry Bird sheet set), he said "all my dreams came true!!!!" That kid is awesome. After presents we celebrated with the traditional birthday pumpkin pie complete with whip cream!
And now for the moment you have all been waiting for......
Chase is my last and final baby. <cue fake tears> I know I should be all emotional because my baby is growing up but I'm just not. I am way too excited to see my kids grow each day. I am so excited to see the new things they learn AND the new things that come out of their mouths.
Before I take you on a journey of Chase's last 6 years, I'll tell ya a little bit about how his birthday went. Chase woke up for school and screamed and cried almost right up until the bus came. He was tired and really just wanted to go back to bed. He left for school and left his class treat. Daddy ran it up to school. Chase got home from school and practically threw everything out of his backpack just to show me all the cool birthday stuff he got at school. After some chill time we went to a dinner of his choice, Burger King. Good ole Burger King. When we got there we met Aunt Sam, Uncle Josh and their children. We ordered, we ate and then it happened. CHASE LOST HIS FIRST TOOTH!!!!! He was showing Uncle Josh how loose his tooth was and Uncle Josh offered to pull and there ya a go - a first tooth out!!!
After Burger King we went to my grandma's house to celebrate with her and Aunt Alice, Uncle John and my cousin Nancy. As Chase was opening his gifts (we got him an Angry Bird robe, Angry Bird jammies and Angry Bird sheet set), he said "all my dreams came true!!!!" That kid is awesome. After presents we celebrated with the traditional birthday pumpkin pie complete with whip cream!
And now for the moment you have all been waiting for......
Chase on his very FIRST birthday!!!
Chase on his SECOND birthday!!!
Chase on his THIRD birthday!!!
Chase on his FOURTH birthday!!!
Chase on his FIFTH birthday!!!
And above we have Chase on his SIXTH birthday!!! My how time is flying. I am looking forward to many many more years of collecting these birthday pictures......
Friday, October 19, 2012
I have never felt more alone then I do right now. I may be surrounded in a house full of people, but it's still lonely.
People talk to me at work or church or even text and such but I feel so alone.
I really need someone right now and everyone is just so busy. Even the people who tell me to call or text or come over anytime, are too busy.
I understand people are busy. I'm so busy my head spins most days.
Not sure what is going on. Not sure why I feel so alone. Not sure why I can't talk to anyone. Not sure why no one is there.
But that's just what happens. I seriously think it's me. I find myself to be fun, straightforward and open. But maybe other folks see me different. I don't sugarcoat issues. I don't pretend my life is great when I'm having a bad day. I comfort those in need around me. I drop everything for someone who needs someone or something.
But why when I need someone, I still here all alone. Why when I try reaching out no one ever hears?
I just don't understand what it is that people don't want to be around me? Why am I not included in things? Why am I the one always not invited? or forgotten?
Like I said, I just feel alone right now. Every has these lives that are going on and I am just chillin here on a Friday night in my room with my door shut all alone.
People talk to me at work or church or even text and such but I feel so alone.
I really need someone right now and everyone is just so busy. Even the people who tell me to call or text or come over anytime, are too busy.
I understand people are busy. I'm so busy my head spins most days.
Not sure what is going on. Not sure why I feel so alone. Not sure why I can't talk to anyone. Not sure why no one is there.
But that's just what happens. I seriously think it's me. I find myself to be fun, straightforward and open. But maybe other folks see me different. I don't sugarcoat issues. I don't pretend my life is great when I'm having a bad day. I comfort those in need around me. I drop everything for someone who needs someone or something.
But why when I need someone, I still here all alone. Why when I try reaching out no one ever hears?
I just don't understand what it is that people don't want to be around me? Why am I not included in things? Why am I the one always not invited? or forgotten?
Like I said, I just feel alone right now. Every has these lives that are going on and I am just chillin here on a Friday night in my room with my door shut all alone.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Cheerleading Time!!!
(oh yeah, I am posting posts back to back, I gotta show love to all my babies)
Emma is in her 4 year of cheerleading and she completely loves it!!
I see such improvement each and every year. She is out there making friends, learning teamwork and of course getting alot of exercise in (yep, they work really hard actually).
So I will let the pictures speak for themselves........
Emma is in her 4 year of cheerleading and she completely loves it!!
I see such improvement each and every year. She is out there making friends, learning teamwork and of course getting alot of exercise in (yep, they work really hard actually).
So I will let the pictures speak for themselves........
That's my girl and I couldn't be prouder!!!
Football Time!!!
My boys are rockin it this year!!! Landon is in his second and last year of flag football and Chase is in his first year. I am so proud of these two.
Landon plays quarterback most of the time. He gets about 2-3 touchdowns per game. And playing defense he is getting flags left and right. He runs like he has jet packs strapped to his feet. That kids amazes me.
Chase is all about defense. If this were tackle football there would be alot of little guys on the ground. Chase is supposed to be just blocking but he has the tendency to just lay em out. And he is one of the smallest guys on the team but will take down kids much bigger then him.
These two guys rock!!!
So of course I am gonna post some pictures of them......
Landon plays quarterback most of the time. He gets about 2-3 touchdowns per game. And playing defense he is getting flags left and right. He runs like he has jet packs strapped to his feet. That kids amazes me.
Chase is all about defense. If this were tackle football there would be alot of little guys on the ground. Chase is supposed to be just blocking but he has the tendency to just lay em out. And he is one of the smallest guys on the team but will take down kids much bigger then him.
These two guys rock!!!
So of course I am gonna post some pictures of them......
My boy Landon, #11
Chase's turn running the ball, #4
Perfect air shot of Landon
Chase doing what he does best, trying really hard not to tackle this kid
Chase and Landon right after Landon's touchdown!!
Like I said, these two boys rock my world!!!
Friday, September 14, 2012
I have something to write but I can't write about it. UGH!!!!
I can't write about it until we figure somethings out. UGH!!!
So entirely frustrating. UGH!!!
Hopefully soon ya'll. UGH!!!
I can't write about it until we figure somethings out. UGH!!!
So entirely frustrating. UGH!!!
Hopefully soon ya'll. UGH!!!
Sunday, August 5, 2012
In his time....not mine
As I am losing weight and eating right there are some not so fun things that have been happening. Let me form a list for you...hahaha
1. my body freakin hurts, hurts all the time
2. runners knee
3. boob pain (you know, for all the movement)
and last but not least.....
4. Plantar Fibromatosis, you can read about it here. I have researched alot on the lovely Internet about it and this website may not be the best medically but it explains it in terms that even I can understand.
Basically I have (hopefully) non cancerous tumors on the arches (or plantar band) of my feet. They are painful, like really painful. The doctor thinks I may of had them for awhile but with starting running it made them aggressive.
So here's the deal....for now I have to hook my feet up to a TENS unit for 30 minutes every night. Basically I am giving my feet electroshock therapy. See awesome picture below.
Then I have some pain creme that so far does NOTHING that I rub on as needed.
On top of that I am getting some really cool shoe inserts to help. Let me tell you, I cannot wait till I get to look cool like my grandma. I am really going to love to not be able to wear any of my flip flops, sandals or flats. I am totally going to rock the grandma shoes....oh yeah baby.
So I have to do this for however long I want. The tumors could shrink and possibly go away BUT it will just make room for new ones.
This is something that will never go away, ever. Well, unless I have the surgery. Oh yeah, I was saving the best news for last.
So the doctor was telling me all of my options. Along with the above I also have the option of the cortisone shots and I straight up said "HELL NO!!". Luckily the doctor agreed and said it does not have high helpfulness.
The second most aggressive treatment option is to go in and surgically remove each tumor as I get them. Like, for the rest of my life. Ummm, ok....NOT. I really do not feel like having surgery like ALL.THE.TIME. No thank you.
The third option and also the most aggressive (of course it''s the option the doctor suggested since I seem to have aggressive growing tumors) is to have the entire plantar band removed from each foot. The plantar band is what the tumors are growing on, so you remove that you remove the tumors.
Basically this is going to be a cut from bottom of my big toe to almost the end of my heel, they will remove the band and sew me back up. Recovery time is about 12 flippin weeks PER FOOT. Oh and he won't do both feet at once unless I agree to go to a rehab / nursing home type facility until I can walk.
After the surgeries I would have to wear some sort of inserts like for the rest of my life.
As you can see my husband and I have some major decisions to make. It's just not about the surgery but it's about being off work for 12 weeks per foot, it's about who is going to help with the house and the kids since he works 1230-900p. There are a ton of things to figure out.
I'm scared. But I'm good. I have my God with me and I know he will guide Matt and I into the right decision. I know he will. What needs to happen will all happen in his time, not mine. I just have to remember that. And to pray for clarity.
(as a funny side note, before I posted this I did spell check, I spelled aggressive wrong EVERY single time throughout this post...I am just that awesome)
1. my body freakin hurts, hurts all the time
2. runners knee
3. boob pain (you know, for all the movement)
and last but not least.....
4. Plantar Fibromatosis, you can read about it here. I have researched alot on the lovely Internet about it and this website may not be the best medically but it explains it in terms that even I can understand.
Basically I have (hopefully) non cancerous tumors on the arches (or plantar band) of my feet. They are painful, like really painful. The doctor thinks I may of had them for awhile but with starting running it made them aggressive.
So here's the deal....for now I have to hook my feet up to a TENS unit for 30 minutes every night. Basically I am giving my feet electroshock therapy. See awesome picture below.
Then I have some pain creme that so far does NOTHING that I rub on as needed.
On top of that I am getting some really cool shoe inserts to help. Let me tell you, I cannot wait till I get to look cool like my grandma. I am really going to love to not be able to wear any of my flip flops, sandals or flats. I am totally going to rock the grandma shoes....oh yeah baby.
So I have to do this for however long I want. The tumors could shrink and possibly go away BUT it will just make room for new ones.
This is something that will never go away, ever. Well, unless I have the surgery. Oh yeah, I was saving the best news for last.
So the doctor was telling me all of my options. Along with the above I also have the option of the cortisone shots and I straight up said "HELL NO!!". Luckily the doctor agreed and said it does not have high helpfulness.
The second most aggressive treatment option is to go in and surgically remove each tumor as I get them. Like, for the rest of my life. Ummm, ok....NOT. I really do not feel like having surgery like ALL.THE.TIME. No thank you.
The third option and also the most aggressive (of course it''s the option the doctor suggested since I seem to have aggressive growing tumors) is to have the entire plantar band removed from each foot. The plantar band is what the tumors are growing on, so you remove that you remove the tumors.
Basically this is going to be a cut from bottom of my big toe to almost the end of my heel, they will remove the band and sew me back up. Recovery time is about 12 flippin weeks PER FOOT. Oh and he won't do both feet at once unless I agree to go to a rehab / nursing home type facility until I can walk.
After the surgeries I would have to wear some sort of inserts like for the rest of my life.
As you can see my husband and I have some major decisions to make. It's just not about the surgery but it's about being off work for 12 weeks per foot, it's about who is going to help with the house and the kids since he works 1230-900p. There are a ton of things to figure out.
I'm scared. But I'm good. I have my God with me and I know he will guide Matt and I into the right decision. I know he will. What needs to happen will all happen in his time, not mine. I just have to remember that. And to pray for clarity.
(as a funny side note, before I posted this I did spell check, I spelled aggressive wrong EVERY single time throughout this post...I am just that awesome)
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Yeah, I'm getting healthy and stuff....
That title took me all of 3 seconds to think of, yeah, I rock like that.
It looks like I am on a bit of a weight loss journey. Oh yeah, it's been just grrrrrrreat. I started April 2, 2012 at (a weight that I will not tell a soul, well, except for my sister in law) and as of today July 31, 2012 (my sister and brothers birthday), I am proud to say that I have lost 29lbs. I have also completed my first 5K!! Now that's some awesome stuff.
Just in case you are wondering all I am doing to counting calories, running jogging at a VERY slow pace and walking. I am trying to eat a lot of protein and fiber and cut waaaaaay back on my carbs and sugars. Those things are evil, evil I say.
Not every day is perfect, but oh well. It's ok. I know in my mind it takes alot of calories to gain a pound. On the other hand I gained 40 lbs in 5 years (it's ok to laugh). That means I gained LESS than one pound a month, but I still gained and gained and gained.
I am also setting realistic goals for myself. I want to lose the weight and actually keep it all off. My first goal was 20 lbs by the time school started and another 20 lbs by Christmas. So far I have met and exceed my first goal. Since I am at 30lbs lost I have set a new goal. I am going for another 20 lbs by Halloween. That will give me a total of 50lbs lost. I think if I get my but in gear I can totally do it. If I can meet that goal, I will be half way home. WOOHOO!!
And now I will leave you with a few pictures from my journey thus far.
It looks like I am on a bit of a weight loss journey. Oh yeah, it's been just grrrrrrreat. I started April 2, 2012 at (a weight that I will not tell a soul, well, except for my sister in law) and as of today July 31, 2012 (my sister and brothers birthday), I am proud to say that I have lost 29lbs. I have also completed my first 5K!! Now that's some awesome stuff.
Just in case you are wondering all I am doing to counting calories,
Not every day is perfect, but oh well. It's ok. I know in my mind it takes alot of calories to gain a pound. On the other hand I gained 40 lbs in 5 years (it's ok to laugh). That means I gained LESS than one pound a month, but I still gained and gained and gained.
I am also setting realistic goals for myself. I want to lose the weight and actually keep it all off. My first goal was 20 lbs by the time school started and another 20 lbs by Christmas. So far I have met and exceed my first goal. Since I am at 30lbs lost I have set a new goal. I am going for another 20 lbs by Halloween. That will give me a total of 50lbs lost. I think if I get my but in gear I can totally do it. If I can meet that goal, I will be half way home. WOOHOO!!
And now I will leave you with a few pictures from my journey thus far.
This is me and my sister in law (I'm the one in the really bright green tshirt). This picture is from the day I started my journey. Yep, I'm really fat.
This was taken on July 20th - The Melting Pot with my hubby for an early birthday present.
This was taken on July 21st right after we finished The Color Run (which by the way is the most awesomest 5K EVER) Would def recommend to look it up and register!!
And finally we have our new family photos, also taken on July 21st (evening) This picture right here was at about 27 lbs lost.
When I put that first photo and the last photo together I can totally see it. I do get discouraged because on a day to day basis I don't see it, but when I compare those two pictures I can and it makes it all worth it.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Grandma's 85th Birthday
This weekend we celebrated Grandma's 85th birthday party in typical our family style.....Hawaiian decor with fried chicken.
My family came in from all over. Two of my cousins and the kids stayed with us. It was such an awesome time. Grandma's party went awesome!!
I can't really talk about it too much because I get all teary eyed and all that jazz. I have so much to say to my grandma but I just can't seem to get the words out. One day I will though. But until then I will leave you with a few photos from that day.
My family came in from all over. Two of my cousins and the kids stayed with us. It was such an awesome time. Grandma's party went awesome!!
I can't really talk about it too much because I get all teary eyed and all that jazz. I have so much to say to my grandma but I just can't seem to get the words out. One day I will though. But until then I will leave you with a few photos from that day.
My grandma is being wheeled around visiting everyone.
Grandma was SO EXCITED to see two or her three sisters!! I thought she was going to cry.
The husband and the youngest child.
Me and my Aunt Shirley (after I lost 25lbs and still going)
Just a overall shot.
My stepdad holding the the Operation money that my kids smuggled into the party.
Don't ya love the princess crown I got grandma!!
And that's about it. Well, not really I got about 50 more pictures but you can always check them out on Facebook.
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