So for everyone that knows me knows I am total control freak. I make list after list after list. I make lists of lists that need to be written. I make weekly calendars off of the monthly calendars. I have a calendar in my purse, at work and at home and on my computer.
I am completely insane. So now I have decided to make a new list. I am going to complete 101 Things In 1001 Days. This begins tomorrow Wednesday April 14, 2010 and ends Tuesday January 9, 2013
I stole this idea from Loving Mom Two Boys – she is my inspiration. I had no trouble coming up with 101 Things to do, I could have kept going but then it would make for a VERY long post.
Well, I won’t keep you waiting…so here it is (and nothing is in any sort of order, I typed as it came into my head)
1. Paint Kitchen
2. Paint Family Room
3. Take down all wallpaper in large hallway
4. Power wash house
5. Landscape the front yard (and then maintain it)
6. Catch up scrapbooking (and maintain it at least every 3 months)
7. Make a chore chart for my children and make them stick to it
8. Make a cleaning schedule (one for everyday tasks and one for big things)
9. Go through everyone’s closet and donate any clothes to Goodwill
10. Buy new pots and pans
11. Get Hubby an awesome lawn mower (we have a large yard and need a much better mower)
12. Get a swimming pool for the kids
13. Organize all scrapbook supplies
14. Go through all the 30 boxes of kids clothes in basement and decide once and for all what to do with them
15. Spend an hour each week with each kid alone
16. Sleep 7 hours a night EVERY night
17. Get a new bedroom set
18. Get a new bedding set (to match the new bedroom set)
19. Start packing for vacation only one week ahead (not a month ahead)
20. Stick to the Christmas budget
21. Lose 10lbs
22. Lose 20 lbs
23. Lose 20 lbs
24. Lose 20 lbs
25. Lose last 10 lbs
26. Quit smoking in 2010
27. Go to a marriage retreat with my husband
28. Read my bible
29. Become more active at church
30. Learn more about God, learn more stories
31. Take a financial class
32. Read 50 books
33. Drink ONLY water for one week
34. Build an emergency fund equal of 2 months paychecks
35. Make a will
36. Get 2 bookshelves and proudly display a lot of my books
37. Have Matt and kids get passports so we can go to Niagara Falls
38. Go one month with no fast food (does not include pizza)
39. Continue going once a month with the girls from church
40. Go one entire weekend with no internet/cell phone
41. Go one entire week wearing NO sweat pants or tops
42. Get a pedicure
43. Get a facial
44. Go on vacation Summer 2010
45. Go on vacation Summer 2012
46. Go to Idlewild summer 2011
47. Write one letter a month to a friend or family member (not email, an actual letter)
48. Complete budget for 2010
49. In December complete budget for 2011
50. In December 2011, complete budget for 2012
51. Visit my grandma 3 times a week at the very least
52. Organize DVD’s in alphabetical order
53. Keep food cupboards organized (new food in back)
54. Do not dye hair for 3 months- let it grow and get healthy again
55. Get more 4th of July decorations
56. Get more Christmas decorations
57. Get more Thanksgiving decorations
58. Wean my kids off fruit snacks
59. Start eating more sugar free foods
60. Play board games with kids once a week
61. Get a new fish and not let him die
62. Exercise 3 times a week at gym (I can get in free with my awesome health insurance card)
63. Try to make my bed every day
64. Get a new lap top
65. Get a smart phone
66. Get new couches
67. Send thank you cards after all the kids birthdays
68. Make a difficult cookie for the cookie party
69. Make a new dish each month
70. Eat home more often
71. Only have chicken nuggets and Mac n cheese once a week
72. Take trash to the trash can, I will not throw any more candy wrappers behind my headboard (yeah, I know, I’m like 5)
73. Stop sneaking sweets and if I do, only once a week
74. Only 2 McDonalds Frappes a week (does that count as fast food?? It’s only coffee right?)
75. Only go to WalMart, Target and Giant Eagle once a week.
76. Do not let the gas in my car get below ¼ tank
77. Take a pottery class
78. Join a book club through the library
79. Take kids to story time once a week (or every two weeks)
80. Commit to not committing to so much each week
81. Have a GNO at a hotel once a year with 3 close friends
82. Only have one selling party a year (ya know, like Pampered Chef, Tastefully Simple, PartyLite..etc, I could go on and on)
83. Go to each and every one of Emma’s cheerleading games
84. Try and be team mom for season 2011 for Emma’s cheer squad
85. Get an iPod
86. Spend 20 minutes a day talking with my husband without my children around
87. Get a new portable dishwasher
88. Shop more at discount stores i.e. Big Lots, Sav A Lot, Marc’s
89. Shop less for needless things
90. Get contacts
91. Play more Rockband and get really good so I am rock out with my brother
92. Be nicer to my ex husband
93. Blog at least once a week – shoot for 2 but will be happy with one
94. Twitter more often
95. Facebook a little less
96. Go on a date with my husband once a month
97. Get a houseplant and not kill it
98. Organize filing cabinet
99. Go through and organize ALL junk drawers through out the house
100. Save $5 for each item I complete off this list
101. Make a new list after 1001 days
OK, so I know that was extremely long, sorry. But now to the fun part!! The winner of the giveaway!!
I picked a winner the fancy way..slips of paper in a bowl…I know, I am so classy
And the WINNER is………………. Liz from Loving Mom 2 Boys
(Seriously weird since the whole post I wrote was I was inspired by
her post. I wrote the post then picked a winner)
So Liz, make sure you email your contact info as soon as you can!! And don’t forget to include where you would like to have the $25 gift card for!!!
And thank you all for the great tips - keep em coming!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
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5 year TIME JUMP!
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Wow - that's quite a list!
Good luck in checking off the items!
I try really hard to try to only go to target/grocery once a week. Really helps on cutting back on spending!
Oh my goodness!!! Thank you!!! (I am a list writer too...but I think you know that too!!)
I really need to readdress my 101, its been put on the back burner but I really want to pick it up again!!
I'm a list writer too but I don't think I'd ever follow through. Have fun working through it all! :-)
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