My anxiety level has been so high lately. I think I am going nuts. Just looking at my calendar makes my heart race....seriously...look for your self...

And this doesn't include moving. I have a seperate schedule that is broke down by week and inlcudes a moving schedule. It has how many loads o' crap that we need to get over each day along with any stores we have to go to, any appointments, birthdays, previous engagements etc. it's alot of crap to do and I am really starting to freak the heck out.
My old house is a mess, the new house is a mess. I feel like I can't get ahead right now. I am constantly laying in bed thinking about what should I pack next or what we are going to need or which curtains should go in which room, better yet, which curtin rods should go in which room. Then I start thinking about where all my pictures and decorations are going to go. It's like a hamster wheel in my brain. Seriously.
On top of all this I applied for a day shift position at the shelter where I work. And I REALLY want it. I want it sooooo bad. Working a first shift job would help my life so much. Workin midnight to 8am is rough, really rough. Sleeping is a pain, waking up is a pain. And it's a very lonely shift. Most of the time the residents are sleeping, my friends are sleeping, the freakin world is sleeping. I know I have said it before, but I thrive on stress. I work so much better under pressure. I need the stress. Of course my shift is stressful at times but it's not a constant.
So I am really nervous about it and I am praying so hard that it comes through for me. I really am.
Breathe deeply and drink wine.......
Keeping my fingers crossed for you on the job!
Good luck with the job!
Ok I'm stressed looking at your schedule.
Good luck with the job!
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