So where should I start, my mother or my mother in law. Both are complete bitches to me so I guess it really doesn't matter does it.
So the mother in law.....
She hates me. From day one she has hated me and I have a 3 page hand written letter from the MIL and FIL to prove it. So let's get to the nitty gritty. She had ANOTHER party on a holiday. For those of you who don't know, she likes to throw parties on holidays, not just regular parties but birthday parties. I won't even start on the Spongebob / Easter party. Well, maybe just a little. Do you know that I actually received an invitation to the party that had the words "Come celebrate the resurrection" and "don't forget to get your pirate booty" All in the same invitation!! What the fuck. Those two things should not go together. Easter is a holiday not for Spongebob pirate parties but to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, that's it. It is a very religious holiday and that's that way it should be kept. In no way shape or form should the word "booty" appear any where near the word Jesus.
So she every year since Matt and I have been together we have had a party every Mother's Day, Fathers Day, Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas and I am damn sick of it. I can never celebrate with my family and I am pisses. I planned something fun my me and my kids this Mothers Day but of course had to change them because of my fucking MIL. She decided to have her other 4 children all baptized and 3 of them had there first communion, then some big stupid lunch serving hard liquor. And actually the liquor is the only thing that makes it bearable to get through. I am just pissed. I want to talk to her or send her an email letting her know exactly how I feel but I am chicken shit. I don't want to get her mad or anything, but I am sick of giving up my holidays for her. Oh and before I forget, the only time there is not a party is 4th of July, which my family always has a big party at my cousins house and every year I invite the MIL and family and guess what..... they never FUCKING SHOW!! WTF!!
I am so pissed how she controls our holidays and I always say that we aren't going but I always give in and go because I tell myself this is my husbands mother and we need to try and be nice and every time I just get more pissed and more pissed.
And if for some reason, if we tell her that we can't come because of something else, the bitch will change the time of the party to work around our schedule (and yes, I know that some of you will think that is a nice thing to do, but she is really doing it cause she is a bitch)
(gotta say something else, my husband has 5 siblings, an older brother and 4 younger siblings, 12, 10, 8 and 5, that's why we have so many fucking parties)
OK, well, I am about done with her, but I am going to write about my husbands grandparents for a second and I will try not to cuss with them because for the most part they are really nice people.
For the past 3 years, I have not received a card for my birthday from my husbands two grandmas. Last year, the MIL had a birthday party for me and the FIL cause our birthdays are within a week of each other and guess what????? The grandparents didn't even know it was my birthday cause the bitch of a MIL didn't tell them, but supposedly the party was for me and the FIL. So why weren't the grandparents told about my birthday???
And Matt and I have been together for 5 years, you would think the grandparents would know that I do have a birthday somewhere in the 365 days there are in a year, but here's the best part.... they have also not gotten my daughter a DAMN thing in 2 years!!!! On Sunday, one grandma did give her a belated birthday card with $15, so I guess that counts but what about the other birthdays and what about the other grandma??? HUH???? WTF?????? and here's the other best part...... since Landon and Chase were born they haven't gotten presents from the one grandma and a card and $15 from the other grandma and my husband gets cards from both grandparents every year!!!! Funny how they forget about me and my daughter (Emma is my baby girl from my previous marriage). I just find it so funny how it's not them they forget it's me and my daughter. I am more hurt then pissed. And I know when Emma is old enough to notice, it's going to be a really hard thing to explain to her.
And I am sick of my husband trying to make excuses for them. I am sick of it. he doesn't understand how much it hurts to have this happen by a family that really doesn't like you in the first place. It's just a slap in the face every birthday me and Emma have. I hate it. I wish I could have the balls to say something but I don't. I am a damn wimp. I have causing trouble and I know that if say something to the grandparents or the MIL, it's going to start drama and I just don't want to. I need to grow a pair!!
OK, now on to my lovely mother......
So let's get this part out in the open, she is a pill popping, pot smoking drug addict. She thinks the world is out to get her and she thinks that certain things are owed to her because she is on this earth. She thinks she can do and say whatever she wants and the world is to bow at her feet.
My son Landon turned 3 in November and she still calls him Logan. Chase turned 2 in November and she has seen him a hand ful of times. Both boys have major allergies and both have asthma. They are allergic to dogs and smoke, both of which are very heavy in my mothers home. I have told my mom many times they cannot go over to her house. So you would think that maybe she would come visit them...ummmmm. no. Her selfish ass would rather sit at home, smoke pot, pop pills and see my sisters kids. My sister goes to visit often and that's great, I am not saying anything about that. But how fucking hard is it to jump in your car, drive less then 2 miles to my house and see my kids???? HOW FUCKING HARD IS IT??? She is currently unemployed since the restaurant she works at burned down, so I know she doesn't have to work. It just really burns me. All she fucking cares about in this world is her damn self. I am sick of her always choosing my sister and her kids over mine. I am sorry if she made the decision to smoke in her home and have the damn nasty dog and cats and that's why my kids can't come over. I am sorry if I don't feel comfortable leaving my kids alone with her. I know how I grew up and there is no way in hell I would ever let her watch my kids, NEVER. God only knows what she is capable of.
And let me give you another example of why I don't go over there. Long story short, I thought something was wrong at her house, so I jump in the car and go over there and turns out, everything was fine. Oh, and it's like 730pm. So I just can't leave without staying for a few minutes. So my mom had a hard day doing drugs and popping pills, so she was already in bed, wow imagine that. Although she did get up say hi, then go make a sandwich, which she took back to bed. So I am sitting there with my sister and my mom's husband and he gets up grabs his bong, sits back on the couch and starts to toke up. I wish I could of recorded all the thoughts that were going through my head at this point. I just kept thinking that this could not be really happening and WOW I am really related to these fucking people who have no respect for others. I watched it for a few minutes then I got the hell outta there. I had to get home and wash all the nasty stench off me (yes, after being there for 20 minutes my clothes already smelled like the nastiness that is there home.
So on mothers day, I do call her, got the machine, left a message, called her cell, got voicemail, left a message. Then she had the nerve to tell my sister and my grandma that I didn't call and she was just so upset. FUCK YOU LADY!! Quit lying to people so they feel sorry for you. My grandma and aunt are on to her game. They know exactly what she's all about. I am just sick and tired of it.
Oh and with the birthday thing, my mother has not got my kids anything is years and she has not even given a card in years. And no one in my perfect family has gotten anything for my husband except for my grandma. And yes that pisses me off to no end. Apparently Matt means nothing to my immediate family either. I at least send a card to my siblings and there spouses. And if I have the money I buy something, that doesn't happen often but I try and yet my husband gets treated as if he doesn't belong - whatever peeps!!
I think I am going to stop writing now before I write things that I am going to regret. Because I keep writing I am getting more pissed off and more pissed off. I thought that venting would make me feel better but I can feel my heart racing and blood pressure rising.
I am glad that I got a lot of that off my chest. I know I am going to have a few nasty emails and comments about this and that's OK. These are my feelings and I entitled to them.
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I am having a hard time reading this, I know you two have issues but heres some things that are false, Mom does not call Landon, Logan, I know this. Jeff did not "toke up" that night, I was there, and you go to Grandmas and other friends that have dogs and cats.
I am not putting all the blame on you but you really shouldn't put all the blame on her.
ABout the night you stopped by, she did get up and told you that if she knew you were coming, she would not have gone to bed early.
And she did get Emma and the boys birthday presents, I was with her, and then she dropped them off at your house. And don't forget Christmas, she got your kids a lot of toys and you a $100.00 gist certificate.
I hope I don't make you too mad but there are some things that need clearing up.
It's ok if oyu delete this comment, I understand but I just hope that we can all work through this.
I am not mad at you so don't worry, but I do wanna claify a few things
Jeff did get his water bong down and yes he did smoke pot right in front of both of us. I know this to be 100% true
And yes mom does get things for the kids and us for Christmas but she has never been to the boys birthday parties and only 2 of Emma's. She did bring one gift for each child at some point last year for the birthdays but it was no where near anyones actaul birthday
And as far as the animals - Aunt Alice has non dander producing animals. I have to watch where they go becuase some people have dander producing dogs. Just like Tara and Christina, we can barely go there and if we do we have to try and keep them out side becuase they will start breaking out and typically the day or two after we visit is when they start showing the breathing issues.
And mom really does call my kid Logan, she has done so many times, even in front of Matt, so he can vouch for that. She prolly hasn't done it in awhile because she hasnt seen them in a long time.
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