So last post I went off a little, but hey, I needed to blow off some steam and since I only have 3 readers, it seemed like the perfect place.
Life's been good, a little slow, but good.
Matt and I are working on a thousand different projects and none of them seem to get done. I wish we could just complete one project start to finish. A girl can dream.....
Kids are great. Emma had her first Cheerleading parade this past Saturday and it was a wet one. The cheerleaders were the second to last in the parade, it was them then the book mobile - wow, yes, they actaully had a book mobile to close the parade, shocked?? ME TOO. So yeah, it started to rain like 20 minutes into the parade and when I say rain I mean like cats and dogs. The boys were soaked, I was soaked, my purse filled with candy was soaked and the chairs we were sitting in were soaked. But it was sooooo awesome when Emma walked passed me. I had another mommy moment at that point. I just cheered for her while my eyes stared at her. She looked so grown up, so on her own. She did not need her mommy at that moment. She was marching in a parade. I was so proud of her.
I am not going to tell you the story BEFORE the parade where she was bawling in front of all the other cheerleaders cause she was scared and didn't want mommy to leave her. I won't tell you how she just stood there crying while all the other girls were practicing.
But she was a big girl (as soon as the only other girl she knew showed up) and went and had a ton of fun in the parade.
Landon and Chase are good. We bought Landon his first big boy bike Saturday. Went to Wally World and got him an awesome 12" bike. He rode around the store a little bit. I wanted to make sure he could do it and the kid just took off.
I am going to have to start posting more pictures of the kids. Let me start that now....
Here we are eating some ice cream the other day... It was Yummy!!
This was at Emma's schools spring dance.. don't they look handsome

I am really going to work on the posting picture thing.... well, gotta get back to work - lol
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