My weight.
Since hardly anyone that knows me IRL reads this, I feel pretty safe posting all this and I guess I really don't care if someone really knows who I am. I have nothing to hide.
Over the past 10 years I have gained so much weight. Let me take you on a little time travel.
January 1999 - weighed 170 - just got home from Basic Training and I was lean. I did weight more then I wanted but I was wearing a size 9-10 jean and I am about 5'11, so it was all good.
April 2000 - wedding - 160lbs - not bad at all, I could still totally wear a bikini
August 2001 - found out I was pregnant with first child - 180lbs - so I put on a few pounds, you know it's that new marriage weight
April 2002 - baby Emma born, weight 3 days before delivery 272lbs, weight after delivery 260 lbs - needless to say, I went a little over board on the whole eating for 2 thing
August 2003 - Day after coming home from vacation - 215lbs - not bad, lost a ton of weight but still a lot more to go
June 2004 - going through divorce and that reeks havoc on your body - 170 lbs - yeah - I have never been more excited to see that number again and I looked soooooo good
May 2005 - 195 lbs - I remarried and was 3 months pregnant with Landon, still not bad, but not were I wanna be
December 2005 - Landon born in late November - 228lbs for Christmas
February 2006 - doing Weight Watchers (paid for by my awesome grandma) 208lbs
March 2006 - found out I was pregnant again with Chase - due in early November 2006
November 2006 - can't remember exactly, but I know it was somewhere around 255lbs when I delivered
January 2007 - back down to 215lbs, still need to lose more
Now the next months are kinda crazy and I wasn't taking care of my self, so we are going to jump to ....
February 2009 - 245lbs - I know, I know - what the heck happened??
August 2nd 2009 (also my birthday and the day before I started my diet) 257lbs!!!!! What is going on here?? What happened??
So there you have it, that is the real me and I am really fat. I have no issues saying I am fat because I am.
I am currently working with someone on a nutrition plan and exercise plan. The nutrition plan is really hard because it is so much different then anything I have ever done. But I am giving it 100%. I am basically on a low carb, high protein, high healthy fat diet. According to all the paperwork I had to fill out for this plan, my body has a difficult time processing carbs.
I have lost about 10lbs but I know I could of lost more. I really struggle with overeating. I have no portion control. I eat until I want to puke. I am getting much better but I think it's going to be a process. I have to retrain my thinking. I have to retrain how I eat. I have to learn to make better choices. I have to learn that I am getting older and I need to be thinking more about my health. I have to think about my children and what I am teaching them.
I am going to do this. I am going to lose weight and I am going to become healthy again. I am going to exercise more and maybe even one day I might start running again. I AM GOING TO DO THIS
So here are my goals:
Ultimate goal is 170 lbs (going to take a while to get there)
In the mean time, I have short term goals. I am looking to lose 30lbs. That will put me at 227lbs.
My next goal is 200lbs and final goal is 170lbs.

October 2004

You look great no matter what weight you are!
Good luck, I'm currently trying to shift the weight from baby no 4. Bloody hard work.
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