I am going to try and make this a quick update so you don't have to be reading this all day.
I have been trying to deal with my dads death. These past few weeks have been hard and I am sad a lot. I am sad for so many different reasons that I would prolly make no sense telling you all of them.
I am working through the grief and anger with the help of some great ladies at church. They are AMAZING and I am so grateful to know these women.
My husband has been utterly wonderful these past few weeks. He is dealing with my moods and anger. He is just a fantastic husband.

Speaking of my fantastic husband, we celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary on the 28th. We had the best time. We slowed danced and drank...we could ask for a better evening.
Then......my very little 4 year old man, Landon, is riding a bike with no training wheels!! How cool is that??? Matt was a little disappointed because he didn't get to "teach" his first son how to ride a bike. Matt took the wheels off, Landon hopped on and he TOOK OFF!! Matt had to run inside and grab the camera, so we weren't even able to get his first time on camera. This is about 10 minutes after he took off. (and yes, we did go out and buy him a bike helmet)
We have been working around the house and the yard getting things done. All of the house is done (except for the wallpaper in the hallway, but that can wait) and we finally got all the landscaping done. And when I say we, I mean Matt. I think I am allergic to yard work. Below is one of the first plants Matt ever bought me. On our first date he brought me a Lily and when we bought our first house he bought me the lilies below. We transferred all our plants to the new house and they are doing extremely well.

Well, I think that about does it. Oh, I almost forgot. Landon and Chase received there first Pen Pal letter!!! I got in the day after my dad died so getting the response in the mail has been a work in progress but I am determined to get it in the mail by the end of the weekend!!
I promise to start blogging more, I just have to get outta my funk. Peace Out Yo!
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